There are many causes of constipation. Lifestyle-related causes of constipation include diet, exercise, and certain daily routines. Irregularity is more likely during certain stages of life. Some medications or conditions also may exacerbate constipation. Removing or changing habits, diet or activity may be an effective means to address several causes of constipation.

Lifestyle Causes of Constipation
Dietary habits may be the most obvious contributor to constipation. Dehydration is a common problem. Diuretics may also cause dehydration. A diuretic makes the body take water from the blood and put it into urine. Sodas and alcoholic drinks are common diuretics. A lack of fiber may also contribute to constipation. Red meat, fried or sugary foods, dairy, and processed baked goods are high in calories but low in fiber. If these make up too large a portion of a diet, they crowd out high fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Staying fit is important for warding off constipation because the body contracts muscles in the lower abdomen and upper legs to assist with bowel movements. A lack of exercise will make these muscles too weak to be much help. Maintaining regular habits is also vital to intestinal health. Travel and changes in bowel routines can contribute to constipation. Heed the urge to have a bowel movement, because resisting this call is a common cause of constipation. Stress can be also a contributing factor.

Other Causes of Constipation
Constipation happens more often during certain stages of life. Infants and children may be more likely to suffer from bouts of constipation. Constipation is also more common among the elderly. Pregnant women may experience constipation due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines.

Certain drugs and supplements, as a side effect, can be a cause of constipation. When abused, laxatives may lead to constipation and laxative dependency. Pain medications, antidepressants, and narcotics may cause irregularity. Medications for Parkinson’s disease and for high blood pressure may be linked, as are iron pills and antacids with aluminum or calcium.
Problems with the thyroid also may lead to constipation, as can problems of the nerves that connect to the large intestine. If the body loses too much salt through vomiting or diarrhea, irregularity can result. Sometimes hemorrhoids can cause anal sphincter muscle spasms which in turn causes constipation.

Causes of Constipation
Diet Lack of fluids, lack of fiber, diuretic
Activities Lack of exercise, changes in routine, poor toilet habits
Life Cycle Infancy, childhood, pregnancy, senior years
Drugs Diuretics, neurological and psychological drugs, laxatives, high blood pressure medications, iron pills, some antacids
Conditions Thyroids, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.

Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and routines affect constipation. Constipation happens more often during certain times of life. Certain drugs may contribute to constipation. When suffering from irregularity, try to eliminate certain causes of constipation.

  1. Linda Page’s Healthy Healing, 12th Edition by Linda Page
  2. Prescription for Nutritional Healing 3rd Edition by Phyllis Balch and James Balch
  3. Constipation. Mayo Clinic

  1. The Basics of Constipation. WebMD